Supply Lists

6th Grade Supply List

Dear Families of Incoming 6th Graders:

Welcome to the 6th grade at LDC M.S. 302- ​Class of 2026.​ We are looking forward to an exciting and productive year with you. In order to be prepared for a successful school year, the following supplies need to be purchased by the first day of school.

General Supplies:

(2) boxes of tissues · (2) packs of sharpened No. 2 pencils · (2) packs of blue or black pens · (2) highlighters · (1) package of loose-leaf · (1) set of headphones with the aux cord jack (in-ear or over-ear; ​NO iPhone headphones or Air pods​) · Personal hand sanitizer · Water bottle for personal use (Please label with student’s first & last name.) · Stylus Pen


(2) Marble Notebook · (1)Green Two Pocket Folder


(1) package Loose-leaf · (1) 1-Inch Binder · (1) Package of Sheet Protectors · (1) Red Two Pocket Folder · (1) Package of EXPO Markers

Social Studies:

(1) Marble Notebook · (1) Purple Two Pocket Folder · (2) 5x8 or smaller current photos of students (Can be printed)


(1) 1-Inch Binder · (1) Package of Sheet Protectors · (1) Blue Two Pocket Folder

​Music and Art:

(1) Orange Two Pocket Folder (1) Yellow Two Pocket Folder · (2) Marble Notebooks

Physical Education:

(1) Black Folder (1) Marble Notebook

In addition to the above supplies, please check the “Class of 2023” Google Classroom at ​rcceh2y​ for summer assignments. We are looking forward to a productive and successful year of learning with you and your child.

Thank you for your support!


Dr. Liza Ortiz

Dr. Liza Ortiz and The 6th Grade Team

7th Grade Supply List

Dear Families of Incoming 7th Graders:

Welcome back to the 7th grade at LDC M.S. 302- Class of 2025. We are looking forward to an exciting and productive year with you. In order to be prepared for a successful school year, the following supplies need to be purchased by the first day of school and are encouraged to have the following items labeled and they are not to be shared:

General Supplies:

2 boxes of tissues • 4 packs of sharpened No. 2 pencils – (1- pack to be with students daily and 3 packs to be kept at home to replenish student supply throughout the year.) • 4 packs of blue or black pens (1 pack to be with students daily, 3 packs to be kept at home to replenish student supply throughout the year.) • 2 highlighters • (1) package of loose-leaf • 1 set of headphones with the aux cord jack (in-ear or over-ear; NO iPhone headphones or Air pods) • Personal hand sanitizer • Water bottle for personal use (Please label with student’s first & last name.) • Stylus Pen • Personal scissor • 3 glue sticks •1 or more packs of colored pencils • 1 five-subject notebook (for specials/elective classes Art/Phys. Ed):

English Language Arts:

3 Marble Notebooks (one to be carried at school and 2 to be left at home to replenish during the school year) Pocket folder • Collegiate Dictionary/Thesaurus to be kept at home • 2 packs of “Post-It Tabs”

Social Studies:

2 Marble Notebook • 2 Pocket folder


1 package of graph paper •1 Ruler/straight edge • 2 composition notebooks (one for the 1st half of the year, one for the 2nd half of the year) • OR 2 composition books with graph paper pages • Scientific Calculator (not a Graphing Calculator) – this is recommended amid health and safety concerns to limit high-contact touch surfaces Algebra - same as above, plus: • Graphing Calculator (TI 83, TI 84 or Casio FX-9750GII) to be purchased in September for regents classes (Regents classes only) • Medium Binder Clips (Regents classes only)


General Science Classes Only•Marble/composition notebook • Pocket folder • 2 packets of Post-Its • Science: Regents Classes Only • Marble notebook • Pocket folder • 2 packets of post-its


1 Pocket folder • 1 Notebook of choice • Markers, crayons or colored pencils labeled with student’s name in a Ziplock bag to be kept in the book-bag • Glue stick and safety scissors labeled with student’s name in a Ziplock bag to be kept in the book-bag • 2 packs of index cards to be kept at home

Physical Education:

Pocket folder • Sneakers

In addition to the above supplies, please check/join the “Class of 2022” Google Classroom at opgixuq and w44hzryfor summer assignments and tentative schedule for the upcoming school year.

Thank you for your continued support and trust!

8th Grade Supply List

Dear Families of Incoming 8th Graders:

Welcome back to the 8th grade at LDC M.S. 302- Class of 2024. We are looking forward to an exciting and productive year with you. In order to be prepared for a successful school year, the following supplies need to be purchased by the first day of school and are encouraged to have the following items labeled and they are not to be shared:

General Supplies:

2 boxes of tissues • 4 packs of sharpened No. 2 pencils – (1- pack to be with students daily and 3 packs to be kept at home to replenish student supply throughout the year.) • 4 packs of blue or black pens (1 pack to be with students daily, 3 packs to be kept at home to replenish student supply throughout the year.) • 2 highlighters • (1) package of loose-leaf • 1 set of headphones with the aux cord jack (in-ear or over-ear; NO iPhone headphones or Air pods) • Personal hand sanitizer • Water bottle for personal use (Please label with student’s first & last name.) • Stylus Pen • Personal scissor • 3 glue sticks •1 or more packs of colored pencils • 1 five-subject notebook (for specials/elective classes Art/Phys. Ed):

English Language Arts:

3 Marble Notebooks (one to be carried at school and 2 to be left at home to replenish during the school year) Pocket folder • Collegiate Dictionary/Thesaurus to be kept at home • 2 packs of “Post-It Tabs”

Social Studies:

Marble Notebook • 2- Pocket folder


1 package of graph paper •1 Ruler/straight edge • 2 composition notebooks (one for the 1st half of the year, one for the 2nd half of the year) • OR 2 composition books with graph paper pages • Scientific Calculator (not a Graphing Calculator) – this is recommended amid health and safety concerns to limit high-contact touch surfaces Algebra - same as above, plus: • Graphing Calculator (TI 83, TI 84 or Casio FX-9750GII) to be purchased in September for regents classes (Regents classes only) • Medium Binder Clips (Regents classes only)


General Science Classes Only•Marble/composition notebook • Pocket folder • 2 packets of Post-Its • Science: Regents Classes Only • Marble notebook • Pocket folder • 2 packets of post-its


1 Pocket folder • 1 Notebook of choice • Markers, crayons or colored pencils labeled with student’s name in a Ziplock bag to be kept in the book-bag • Glue stick and safety scissors labeled with student’s name in a Ziplock bag to be kept in the book-bag • 2 packs of index cards to be kept at home

Physical Education:

Pocket folder • Sneakers

In addition to the above supplies, please check/join the “Class of 2021” Google Classroom at dqisxw3 and hvyzr3c for summer assignments and tentative schedule for the upcoming school year.

Thank you for your continued support and trust!